Star League Baseball presents the action from the right-field stands, offering the player a type of isometric view of the action. Unlike overhead views, which typically avoided up-down ball movement in either pirching or hit balls Star League Baseball
Barry Mcguigan Championship Boxing Congratulations! You’ve been invited to participate in the challenge of Barry McGuigan’s World Championship Boxing! Raw iron-twisting strength is definitely an asset, but for a shot at the title, you’ll [...]
On-Court Tennis ## Description In this tennis game, the focus is on timing and directing your shots accurately, as the computer moves your player into position. The positive result of this is that you can (and to win must) play angled volleys and [...]
Baja Buggies ## Description A simple race game simulating off-road buggy racing in the Baja California desert. The game uses pseudo-3D perspective and behind-the-car view. As opposed to most of the racing games of the period, collisions with other buggies [...]