Ole! ## Description This is one of the few bullfighting games made outside Spain. Once in, players must first type their name in order to let the computer know who will be the “future matador”. The action takes place in the round scenario of a [...]
Denarius ## Description The Rignalian race have decided that they want to colonise the planets of the Solar Sytem and their moons. To help support their life-forms they need pools of chlorine to survive and so in their space arks they have placed the [...]
Prodigy ## Description The tyrannical Wardlock has created two humanoids within his mechanical world, for his own amusement. Solo the Synthelman must lead Nejo the baby out of this nightmare and to safety. There are four worlds to get through, Ice Zone, [...]
At your disposal are several characters. ranging from a monk to a Samurai warrior. Each has his own special qualities, from sheer strength in hand-to-hand combat. to guile and cunning. Your warrior does. however. have a magical belt which can transport [...]
Chimera ## Description A strange alien spacecraft has been discovered orbiting the Earth, its’ weaponry primed and ready to destroy the planet. Your mission: To infiltrate the craft, disable the weapons, initiate the self-destruct sequence, and [...]
Samurai Warrior: The Battles of…. Usagi Yojimbo ## Description With the Roger Rabbit film (and game) successful, and the Jive Bunny phenomenon shaking up charts worldwide, perhaps it was time to redress the balance away from wimpy rabbits. Stan [...]