15 years after the events of the original Alien film, Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, learns from Christopher Samuels, an android working for the Weyland-Yutani corporation, that the flight recorder of her mother's ship, the Nostromo, was [...]
Reclaim the Lost Kingdom brick by brick! Join Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Thorin and his company of Dwarves in an epic adventure across Middle-earth to recapture the Lonely Mountain in the most expansive LEGO game to date. Battle ravenous Trolls, dangerous [...]
This individual army for COH2 allows you to access all existing COH2 maps in auto-match, and play against all other existing factions in multiplayer. It can also be obtained at a discount by acquiring The Western Front Armies multiplayer standalone, where [...]
Tropico 4: The Academy Due to a budget SNAFU (for which Penultimo is not responsible), the remote island of Isla Guerra is revolting against El Presidente’s regime. Tropico needs to recruit skilled cadets via the new East Point Academy and prepare for a [...]
On the eve of unveiling a new type of augmentation that will negate the use of Neuropozyne, Sarif Industries is attacked by the Tyrants. Adam Jensen attempts to save Megan Reed and her fellow scientists, but Tyrant leader Namir critically wounds him and [...]
Turn your island into a pirate haven, the Tortuga of modern times! Abducting ships for ransom, pillaging and plundering is a surefire way to worsen your relations with the foreign powers, so you will have to take special measures to prevent an invasion. [...]