Batman: The Movie is an action video game developed by Ocean Software based on the 1989 film, Batman. The game consists of five different parts, each resembling well known game types. Part one, the chemical plant: Hunt down Jack Napier who has raided the [...]
## Description Cyrus T. Gross has built the TALOS asteroid and directed it towards earth. Only the Nemesis Organisation’s Mobile Attack Droid 471 can save humanity now. In _N.O.M.A.D._ , players take control of the Mobile Attack Droid 471 as it [...]
Nightmare Rally Nightmare Rally ## Description Nightmare Rally is a driving game simulating a pseudo 3D environment for a car. The player is a rally driver and must drive through stages as soon as possible, avoid bumping into objects such as trees, rocks, [...]
Shoot-Out ## Description Shoot-out is a traditional arcade western shooter and it takes place in the desert landscape of Gulch Creek. Each level is composed by two distinct scenarios. The player will play as Quick Hand Luke. In the first scenario Quick [...]
Conquestador ## Description Three star stones have been hidden in locked treasure chests within a castle inhabited by dragons, guards, spiders, tarantulas wizards and the like. Battle Hero Redham is brave enough to take on such a task, and it is only by [...]
Thor has completed his Quest for Tires. Now he must discover the Meaning of Life. But it won’t be easy. The Meaning of Life is hidden away; somewhere in a long maze of mountains. Each mountain is covered with clams and Thor needs to gather 100 clams [...]
A two-fisted action game from the people who brought you the smash hit movie. The chase is on…all the way to the greatest treasure in history, the Holy Grail. And if you can survive the treacherous caves of Colorado…the medieval catacombs of [...]