Rogue: The Adventure Game Rogue: The Adventure Game is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Epyx, which was released in 1985. It takes about 12 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Tough
The player discovers the Eidolon, a strange 19th-century vehicle in an abandoned laboratory. As the player investigates this device, he is accidentally transported to another dimension and is trapped in a vast, maze-like cave. The creatures in this cave, [...]
The Temple of Apshai Trilogy includes updated graphical versions of three classic Apshai games: -Dunjonquest: Temple of Apshai -Dunjonquest: Upper Reaches of Apshai -Dunjonquest: Curse of Ra
Crush, Crumble and Chomp! lets the player take control of a myriad of monsters whose only purpose is to destroy cities before being defeated by the army.
Temple of Apshai is a dungeon crawl role-playing video game developed and published by Automated Simulations (later renamed to Epyx) in 1979. It is considered one of the first graphical role-playing games for home computers, predating even the commercial [...]
Robots of Dawn ## Description In this text adventure based on Isaac Asimov’s science fiction detective novel _The Robots of Dawn_ , the player takes the role of Earth detective Elijah Baley, who is sent to the Spacer world of Aurora to investigate [...]
Barbarian II: The Dungeon of Drax is a video game first published in 1988 for various home computers. It was also released as Axe of Rage in North America. The game is the sequel to Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior (Death Sword in North America), which was [...]
The Games: Summer Edition ## Description You start as a member of the 1988 U.S. Olympic Team to compete at the Olympic Summer Games. You can play eight events, including Velodrome Sprint Cycling, Hurdles, Pole Vault, Hammer-throw, Uneven Parallel Bars, [...]