Infiltrator ## Description Infiltrator is a combination of first-person helicopter simulator and isometric third-person espionage action. You, as Johnny McGibbitts, ace pilot and neurosurgeon, were given a mission against the “Mad Leader”. You [...]
Airwolf, an advanced supersonic helicopter with stealth capabilities and a formidable arsenal, was designed by Dr. Charles Henry Moffet (David Hemmings) – a genius with a psychopathic taste for torturing and killing women – and built by the [...]
Buggy Boy is a race game, but not just an ordinary race game. There are five different routes, offroad, north, east, west, south. The offroad course loops around back to the start, the others are long runs with a distinct beginning and ending. You must [...]
Bundesliga Manager ## Description Bundesliga Manager is a managerial simulator for a team in the top three German football leagues (Bundesliga, Zweite Liga or Regionalliga). The game contains the real player and team names of that time. The player can [...]
Back in the distant past (way back – like when “rock and roll” was just rock and fast food was dinner you couldn’t catch), lived two cave dudes named Joe and Mac. Whether it was dinosaur demolition or pterodactyl hang-glidin’, life for the boys was [...]
The player controls Jack, a superhero who can leap and glide. Someone has planted 24 bombs at famous tourist sites (the Sphinx and Great Pyramids, the Acropolis, Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, and two cityscapes resembling Miami Beach and Hollywood, [...]
Mighty BombJack ## Description The sequel to the original Bomb Jack, _Mighty Bombjack_ brings side scrolling to the series, and brings it closer to a platform game rather than the arcade / puzzle likeness of the first one. Once again you play as the [...]
Black Magic ## Description For centuries, the people of MariGold have suffered under the rule of the Red Warlock, Zahgrim, making a once prosperous and happy place to live into an evil and depressive land. Zangrim had defeated the wizard Anakar the Wise [...]