Originally released in 1994, Little Big Adventure (also known as ‘Relentless: Twinsen’s Adventure’) is an action-adventure RPG designed by Frédérick Raynal. You play as Twinsen, a young hero living on Citadel Island on a world under the heel of the [...]
Dive into epic RPG adventure with this acclaimed series of four classics. They will take you back to a time when RPG’s were truly challenging and, because of this, very rewarding games. By finishing one, you felt like you have really accomplished [...]
Publisher Dotemu (Wonder Boy, Windjammers 1/2) and developers Lizardcube (Wonder Boy) and Guard Crush Games today revealed Streets of Rage 4, an all-new continuation of SEGA’s iconic arcade brawler series known for its radical fights, jammin’ ‘90s beats [...]
Long, long ago, there was an ancient kingdom called Ys which prospered under the auspices of two heavenly Goddesses. Over time, the kingdom came to be known as Esteria, and its divine history was largely forgotten by all but the descendants of those who [...]
Long, long ago, there was an ancient kingdom called Ys which prospered under the auspices of two heavenly Goddesses. Over time, the kingdom came to be known as Esteria, and its divine history was largely forgotten by all but the descendants of those who [...]
Windjammers 2 (also known as Flying Power Disc in Japan) is a fast-paced sports arcade game released by Data East on the Neo Geo arcade system in 1994 and later on the Wii Virtual Console in Japan on June 22, 2010. Following the bankruptcy of Data East, [...]
"Following a devastating demonic invasion, the twin Goddesses use their magic to bring the inhabitants of legendary Ys safely into the sky. While the demons work to construct Devil’s Tower and reach the humans’ new abode, the Goddesses disappear. As a [...]