## Description _A*M*E*R*I*C*A_ is a Wild West-themed real-time strategy game set over 90 years in post civil war America. The events portrayed in America are taken straight from the annals of American history. Players choose between Native Americans [...]
Ladendetektiv In Ladendetektiv, you are a security person who is in charge of the surveillance of a shop. You must prevent the customers from stealing the goods offered. This is done by watching the customers through cameras and – if you are sure [...]
Castle Strike Castle Strike ## Description A fantasy wargame loosely based on Europe during the Hundred Years War. Aside from the usual base building, research and troop movement associated with the genre, this one features heroes and battle formations, [...]
Arena 2000 ## Description _Arena 2000_ is a puzzle game in which the player character has to collect stones and put them into holes of the same color. When all holes are filled, the level is done, a password is rewarded and the next of overall 40 levels [...]