## Description _It’s the Wooluf!_ is a simple single screen arcade game. The goal of the game is guiding the sheep across the bridge, through the woods and into the pen by proper control of a dog. The mission is complicated by a wolf wandering [...]
## Description _Invasion of the Body Snatchas!_ is a clone of the arcade shooter Defender where you fly over the surface of a planet protecting women from the marauding aliens. Landers, Mutants, Bombers, Pods, Swarmers and more aliens threaten the world [...]
Tube Way Army ## Description Despite the strange name, this is a fairly straight conversion of Konami’s Scramble. You start out flying your spaceship above a hostile grounds, protected by ground-to-air missiles. You can shoot down the airbourne [...]
Hall of the Things ## Description Using the gaming engine and graphical style that would be seen again in The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain, Halls Of The Things places our adventurous hero in a randomly generated tower. A long hallway with seven doorways in [...]
Cosmic Guerrilla ## Description Cosmic Guerilla is an imitation and a non official version of the arcade Cosmic Guerilla. Similarly, the player controls a spaceship and has to defend his stationary fleet from being destroyed. The fleet is located on the [...]
Halls of Things ## Description Using the gaming engine and graphical style that would be seen again in The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain, _Halls Of The Things_ places our adventurous hero in a randomly generated tower. A long hallway with seven doorways in [...]