加入琪露诺拯救妖精的冒险!《琪露诺的信仰之战》是一款轻量级的回合制游戏,操作琪露诺调查妖精力量衰退后的真相,运用策略逐步解开被封锁的场景,并迎击所有阻扰在你面前的敌人! ## About This Game “幻想乡正失去活力!喜爱恶作剧的妖精们生机不再甚至逐渐消失!强大的琪露诺必须再次行动!” ## 拯救琪露诺的好朋友们! 妖精的力量出现了衰弱,连担任妖精们的领袖的大妖精也不例外。你将在游戏中扮演少有未被影响的冰之妖精琪露诺,前往揪出造出这一切的元凶,拯救你的同伴们! ## [...]
An TouHou style barrage shooting game, with a unique firepower and boundary mechanism, use of the mechanism and resources, in the difficult Stage and BossBattle to master the rhythm and explore the SpellCard ,to defeat the FinalBoss, uncover the veil of [...]
Suzunaan on Fire is the first Touhou doujin game produced by Creator Team from SakuraGaming. Players will roleplay Kosuzu Motoori and figure out the way to escape from fire. If you like puzzle games and also like Touhou, welcome to play our first game. ## [...]