The Uncertain is an story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Experience the mysterious vibe of each of carefully explored locations, solve diverse puzzles, make fateful decisions and discuss intriguing matters to find out the whole [...]
The Uncertain is an episodic story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Experience the mysterious vibe of each of carefully explored locations, solve diverse puzzles, make fateful decisions and discuss intriguing matters to find out the [...]
I am a robot. The Earth is inhabited only by artificial life forms now, like me. We formed a perfect society. Our co-existence is harmonious: robots don’t fight in wars, robots are logical. The human race lived before us on the Earth. Humans were [...]
The Uncertain is an episodic story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Experience the mysterious vibe of each of carefully explored locations, solve diverse puzzles, make fateful decisions and discuss intriguing matters to find out the [...]