## Description _Super Duke: Volume 3_ is an add-on disc with 600 unofficial extra levels for Duke Nukem 3D. This add-on disc also contains several editors, sounds, tools, cheats, hints and patches. Super Duke: Volume 3
## Description _Super Duke: Volume 2_ is an unofficial add-on disc with 180 new levels for Duke Nukem 3D. The CD also includes several editors, patches, sounds, cheats and hints. Super Duke: Volume 2
## Description _Super Duke: Volume 1_ is an unofficial add-on disc with more than 200 new levels for Duke Nukem 3D. The CD also includes editors, sounds, tools, patches, cheats and hints. Super Duke: Volume 1
## Description In _Egyptia_ the player controls an archaeologist named Dr. Sands who searches a Egyptian pyramid after a room with a lot of gold. To open this room he has to collect 60 floor tiles. Of course these are not just lying around but hidden in [...]
## Description Everything was fine in the fantasy country Dwarfia – until two magicians were bored and competed their magic abilities. Unfortunately they were both sore losers and so they used meaner and meaner spells until whole Dwarfia was [...]
Strip-Poker ## Description In the game you as a man play with five girls to undress each of them in five cards poker. The pictures of girls are taken from “High Society” magazine. Girls speak to you in german.
Icarus: Sanctuary of the Gods ## Description Once upon a time, deities fought over the continent of Icarus. The benevolent Tetheus has won, and the evil Ercanet was banished. However, things only got worse afterwards, as Ercanet was unable to forgive the [...]