Gangsters ## Description Starting in January 1920, become a mob leader and dominate Spectral City. You must earn your money from casinos, brothels, distilleries and speakeasies, buying the number you feel will be most profitable. Recruit gang members and [...]
Avalanche: The Struggle for Italy ## Description This wargame takes it’s name from Allied actions during the second World War. Operation Avalanche was the landing of Allied forces on the west coast of mainland Italy in 1943. Accordingly, this is the [...]
Ace Low ## Description _Ace Low_ is a card game where you are presented with ten cards turned down and after looking at the first card you must decide whether the next card is higher or lower. You start with £10, with each game costing £1, and if you [...]
1942 Mission ## Description 1942 Mission is an award-winning text adventure game by Tom Frost. You play as a secret agent during World War II who must parachute into a German military base to steal plans for a new recipe for rocket fuel. You control the [...]
Vulcan: The Tunisian Campaign ## Description Vulcan is a third entry in R. T. Smith’s World War II trilogy, including Arnhem and Desert Rats. It simulates the Tunisian Campaign in 1942-43 from the arrival of the ‘Torch’ Task Force and [...]
Battle 1917 ## Description _Battle 1917_ is a turn-based strategy game for one or two players. The game background is World War I with its new technology and the first use of tanks. Players command 29 units of five types: infantry, cavalry, tanks, [...]
Encyclopedia of War: Ancient Battles ## Description This game is actually a lot like chess! It’s a games designed to simulate pitched battles in the Ancient world. There is a set of armies available from the earliest times until the fall of the [...]
Abyss ## Description In this game you play the role of an adventurer who must make his way across the perilous abyss which many others before him have failed to do. The game starts with you seeing the network of bridges from a birds eye view and you have [...]