## Description _Wordhang_ is a one or two player game based on the pen and paper game Hangman where the aim is for a player to guess a word. In a two player game, one player has to guess the word, when the other player selects the word. The word is [...]
## Description _Osprey!_ is an educational game based at Loch Garten in Scotland and developed in conjunction with the RSPB (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds). The object of the game is to allocate wardens to help the ospreys successfully [...]
## Description _Animal Vegetable Mineral_ is a version of an ‘after dinner’ game in which players have to guess a mystery object by asking questions to which the answer is either Yes or No. In this game the player thinks of an object and the [...]
Timeman One ## Description _Timeman One_ is an educational game aimed at helping children tell the time. The game screen consists of a clock to the right of which is a little man on a ladder. The game asks a series of questions which either require the [...]