## Description First Print Limited Edition of _Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Tantei to Y ūrei to Kaitou to_ comes in a box and it contains: * Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Tantei to Yurei to Kaitou to game * mini drama CD * special POKImari [...]
## Description First in the four volume romantic detective story. The detective team consists of Maya, Tora and Natsu, three teenage girls and Sodom, a little robot with a useful set of skills. Each game in the series focuses on three different cases you [...]
## Description First Print Limited Edition of _Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Shissou to Hangeki to Daidanen_ contains: * Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Shissou to Hangeki to Daidanen game * drama CD * special POKImari illustration and [...]
## Description Last in the four volume romantic detective story. The detective team consists of Maya, Tora and Natsu, three teenage girls and Sodom, a little robot with a useful set of skills. Each game in the series focuses on three different cases you [...]
## Description First Print Limited Edition of _Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Haibu to Kaiga to Bakudan to_ contains: * Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Haibu to Kaiga to Bakudan to game * drama CD * special POKImari illustration and interview [...]
## Description Third in the four volume romantic detective story. The detective team consists of Maya, Tora and Natsu, three teenage girls and Sodom, a little robot with a useful set of skills. Each game in the series focuses on three different cases you [...]
## Description First Print Limited Edition of _Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Angou to Misshitsu to Kaijin to_ contains: * Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Angou to Misshitsu to Kaijin to game * drama CD * special POKImari illustration and [...]
## Description Second in the four volume romantic detective story. The detective team consists of Maya, Tora and Natsu, three teenage girls and Sodom, a little robot with a useful set of skills. Each game in the series focuses on three different cases you [...]