This content requires the base game Slayaway Camp on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content ## LOVE SLAYAWAY CAMP? WANT MORE STUFF? This special deluxe edition package of bonus content includes a variety of non-game (and a couple cosmetic in-game) [...]
"The mysterious S’lay’a Way tribe (pronunciation: SLAW-ah-weh) once roamed the forests and mountains of this dark region of western Cubetonia. Today their legacy is all but forgotten, and a modern youth camp sits atop their ancient burial site.
But never [...]
Terrorize the galaxy for fun and profit! Space Tyrant is a fast-paced roguelike-lite 5X game set in a grimly grimdark future of eternal war. Build a terrifying space fleet, make enemies and disintegrate peaceful extraterrestrials in your relentlessly [...]
“From the makers of Slayaway Camp—the award-winning “Bloodiest Puzzle Game Everâ€�—comes an even more frightening puzzler starring one of horror’s most iconic killers. Now you can go behind the hockey mask of Jason Voorhees on his [...]