Battle Isle Data Disk II Battle Isle Data Disk II is a Strategy game, developed and published by Blue Byte, which was released in Europe in 1993. Franchise: Battle Isle It takes about 50 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Tough
After fighting a losing battle with the raging sea, a brave people find themselves stranded on an apparently uninhabited island, with their ship destroyed. You must lead these survivors and their descendants on a quest for world domination.
Battle Isle 2200 is the second title in Blue Byte’s Battle Isle series. After a long space flight, the player arrives on the planet of Chromos and must save the planet’s civilization from the Titan-net Empire. Titan-net, the computer overfiend [...]
It is the year 2227, and the gigantic interstellar factory ship, Toronto, cruises toward a lifeless planet endowed with a wealth of minerals. While studying the planet in his shuttlecraft, the pilot, Tom Driscoll, unavoidably crash lands. Against all [...]
Battle Isle 2220: Shadow of the Emperor ## Description _Battle Isle 2220: Shadow of the Emperor_ is a hex-based strategy game featuring live-action video sequences and real-time 3D fight animations.
A turn-based strategy game taking place on a fictional island named Chromos. Different factions fight for supremacy. Created by German developer Blue Byte in 1991. A turn-based strategy game taking place on a fictional island named Chromos. Different [...]
The goal of this game is to build a prosperous and well organized city and to gain control of the enemy cities. This might initially seem simple to do, but in reality it is much more complex. If you consider all the game’s problems inversely, that [...]
Settlers III begins when three gods: Jupiter (leader of the Roman Pantheon), Horus (the falcon-headed Egyptian sun god) and Ch'ih-Yu (the legendary Chinese dragon). A messenger arrives with a message from the god's god telling them they must find a worthy [...]