There is a deathly hush. Both sides are prepared to meet any threat, and will not capitulate. The missiles are unsheathed from their silos and readied to be hurled across the void to home onto their targets with lethal accuracy. The dreadful silence is [...]
THE STORY SO FAR…fresh from his alcoholic experiences in PI-EYED and mystical pyramids in PI BALLED, the PIMAN has taken taken himself in hand (the little cult.) He’s sober! He’s fit! He’s going for gold! Competing in all 5 events [...]
THE STORY SO FAR… Once, long ago, the PiMan was a pillar of moral society: a sober, righteous, boring little prude. “PIMANIA” and “GROUCHO” changed all that, as the PiMan shot to international stardom. Today he is a right [...]
Shipwrecked and stranded on a remote island, with nothing but an empty stomach, a bottle of granny’s patent elixyr, the shorts he stands up in, and thou! Thine aim is to return CRUSOE home again, preferably in one piece and better off than when he [...]