Brickyard/Clowns ## Description This cartridge consists of two games: Brickyard and Clowns. Both games can be played by one to four players. * Brickyard is a clone of Breakout. It is almost identical to the original game but differs in that the ball moves [...]
Panzer Attack/Red Baron ## Description This cartridge consists of two war themed games: Red Baron and Panzer Attack. Both games are multiplayer only. Red Baron is played by two players while Panzer Attack can played by two to four players. * Red Baron is [...]
Amazing Maze/Tic Tac Toe ## Description This cartridge consists of two games: Amazing Maze and Tic-Tac-Toe. * Amazing Maze is a port of Midway’s arcade game with the same name. This version can be played by one or two players and the numbers of wins [...]