## Description Greyfell, a land of humanoid animals, has fallen into despair: the evil magician Mauron has stolen the Orb of Life and makes life a misery. But now the cat Norman is fed up with it and decides to do something about it. The player takes his [...]
## Description _Wizard_ is a puzzle game with arcade action elements. The premise of the game is to run around the screen collecting various treasures for points, avoiding monsters. The player character must find the key, which gives him the ability to [...]
Axis Assassin ## Description A mix of Tempest and Asteroids, _Axis Assassin_ has you piloting a space ship across a series of grids, blasting away at the Master Arachnid and his army. Armed with only lasers and a single “Pulse Bomb” per level [...]
The Bard’s Tale: Tales of the Unknown: Volume I ## Description The small country town Skara Brae was enjoying a peaceful life, until an evil wizard known as Mangar the Dark appeared. Monsters have invaded the town, terrorizing its inhabitants. [...]
Panzadrome ## Description As the pilot of an underpowered tank with stone wheels and a single-shot turret, you must take out the full force of tanks which inhabit the island of Panzadrome , which is split into 64 flick-screen regions. Nothing unusual [...]
Dogfight 2187 ## Description Prophecies from times of old predicted that in the Alpha Centauri sector there would be a great invasion from an unknown enemy from another dimension indicated by a hole in the time continuum. To prepare for the hole and to [...]
The Standing Stones ## Description Kormath has stolen The Holy Grail and Excalibur from Merlin and Merlin has promised a great reward for anyone who can go to Kormath’s dungeon underneath _The Standing Stones_ and retrieve his items. You are a [...]
Lapis Philosophorum: The Philosophers’ Stone ## Description The King of Alkanien is gravelly ill and you have been tasked to find The Lapis Philosophorum to heal him and it can also turn metal into gold. King Gieselmer Gutfried with two marriages [...]