Noximilian, good family father and genius clockmaker finds an old artifact : the Eliacube. Fascinated, he starts to study the strange device, until it becomes an obsession. Discover the past of Nox, the evil Xelor of WAKFU Season 1 ! Noximilian the Clockmaker
WAKFU Animation is back with a new adventure in 3 Special Episodes : The Quest for the Six Eliatrope Dofus. In this last Episode, getting back to the Sadida Kingdom, Yugo discovers that Percedal has decided to directly attack the root cause of the [...]
WAKFU Animation is back with a new adventure in 3 Special Episodes : The Quest for the Six Eliatrope Dofus. In this 2nd episode, our heroes held captive in Harebourg’s icy prison, discover Joris, Kerub, and Atcham trapped in blocks of ice. The [...]
WAKFU Animation is back with a new adventure in 3 Special Episodes : The Quest for the Six Eliatrope Dofus. It’s already six years after our heroes saved the World of Twelve from Qilby. They’ve all taken the opportunity to settle down into a [...]
Every story has a beginning… For WAKFU, it all started when the World of Twelve got drowned in the tears of a despaired ogre. Nowadays, Ogrest has a become a terrible legend and the Ultimate quest for the adventurers of WAKFU. But if you knew how it all [...]