“The day I put that uniform on, I saw myself in the mirror for the first time. And I dared to think, maybe, just maybe…” A free VN about standing up to the world to be yourself. Part of the NOISZ series, and prequel to NOISZ STΔRLIVHT. [...]
This is additional content for 2ECONDS TO STΔRLIVHT: Forever My Diamond, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content STΔRLIVHT is a new mixed-media project comprised of music and game releases (2ECONDS TO STΔRLIVHT and NOISZ STΔRLIVHT), [...]
This content requires the base game NOISZ on Steam in order to play. ## About This Content All-new stages featuring music by HyuN: Inferno Force / Hyun ft. Kabotya Fallen Angel / HyuN ft. JeeE Girl Embracing the Dark for Light 2 / HyuN (coming soon in [...]
As graduation looms, true feelings begin to surface. Will Grace find the courage to overcome her shyness and bare her heart to Sera, or will her handsome rival Akira get to her first? A free VN about being really gay for your best friend. Part of the [...]
This is additional content for NOISZ, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content Original tracks from NOISZ’s expansion, re:||VERSE. Comes with a PDF lyrics booklet that doubles as a mini artbook! (Available in spoiler and non-spoiler [...]