Championship Sprint ## Description This is the sequel to the coin-op hit Super Sprint. One or two players race the 8 new tracks which once again are shown from an overhead view of the racetrack. There are some obstacles, like the whirlwind or oil-slicks, [...]
Sooty’s Fun With Numbers ## Description Six short mathematical tests aimed at children up to 7 years of age come together in this package. Sooty the silent magical bear is one of the UK’s most enduring children’s characters, and his [...]
In Profane you embody Talaal, the last of God’s seven masks. Talaal finds her bearer just in time to fight against it’s siblings, that hunt her to absorb the power within the mask.
Harrier 7 ## Description Straits of Hormuz. Persian Gulf. Enemy forces have captured seven key military bases, cutting off the major oil supplies of the free world. It’s up to you to respond. You fly a McDonnell Douglas VTOL BA Harrier, and your [...]
A Flunky is a male servant who must do routine jobs for his masters; in this game you are a Flunky and your masters are the British Royal Family. There are five tasks to be undertaken – light all the fires, fetching a toy boat from the bath for Prince [...]
Yogi Bear ## Description Yogi must travel across Jellystone Park to rescue his friend Boo-Boo, who has been kidnapped. Travel through 198 screens to reach him, collecting six toffee apples en route – these are converted into a code which allows [...]
Rugby Union Team Manager 2015 immerses the player in the dynamic world of Rugby management. Allowing the player to battle their way through season after season; securing success both on and off the field. Pleasing the fans, and the star players whilst [...]
Protium ## Description Protium is a side-view horizontal scrolling shooter where the screen scrolls constantly from left to right as you control spacecraft blasting and avoiding aliens over various levels. Earth have been threatened with hyperspace by the [...]