Phobyark is a new type of platformer / horror game that will immerse you in the twists and turns of phobias ! ## About This Game Phobyark is a new type of platformer / horror game that will immerse you in the twists and turns of phobias ! Discover a world [...]
In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are exponential. ## About This Game In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are exponential. This game series [...]
In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are exponential. ## About This Game In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are exponential. This game series [...]
In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are exponential. ## About This Game In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are exponential. This game series [...]
In this episode, Mr Harris will learn more about the past of the man with the headset, in particular the dangerousness of knowing his identity. ## About This Game In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are [...]
In this episode, Mr. Harris is going to face these deepest demons and confess a truth he had never revealed until now. ## About This Game In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal evolutions are exponential. This game [...]
In this episode, Mr. Harris will discover that certain technologies are much more advanced than he thought and that the field of possibilities is much greater than he imagined. ## About This Game In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its [...]
In this episode, Mr. Harris will learn more about the past and the motivations of the man with the headset, but will always remain suspicious of him. ## About This Game In 2082, the human species lives in peace, and its technological and societal [...]