Toy Factory ## Description In this puzzle game, toys are created, and travel through a series of tubes, conveyor belts, and other machinery to bins. Your objective is to get the correct toys to the correct bins. You do this through moving the bins back [...]
Mind’s Eye: Secrets of the Forgotten ## Description Gabrielle is a journalist investigating the apparent suicide of Vernida City’s mayor. In an effort to uncover hidden information, she starts to take part on a scientific experiment using a [...]
Terra Farmers Use advanced terraforming technology to revive a barren celestial wilderness! Watch in wide-eyed wonder as new plant life springs up from parched alien soil with a few clicks of your mouse, and learn to take care of the wild and wonderful [...]
Treasure Masters, Inc. ## Description Jack Jones disappears while flying over the Pacific Ocean, and his grandson Gordon inherits the relic hunting family business. Gordon must find out what happened to his grandfather while searching for lost treasures [...]
Vacation Mogul ## Description ### iTunes Store Description Make more money than you ever dreamed possible in Vacation Mogul, a casual building sim! Become one of the rich and powerful as you buy and sell land, turn bungalows into ritzy hotels, build [...]
Vampire Saga: Pandoras Box With a chilling crime at the center of its spellbinding story, Vampire Saga is not intended for the faint of heart. Join Matthew Ward as he steals aboard a cargo ship to escape the violence of the Spanish-American War, passes [...]