Ka-52 Team Alligator ## Description Take the latest Russian attack chopper out for a spin! Take multiple wingmen out on semi-dynamic campaign missions as you move in to surpress civil unrest in Belarus and Tajikistan in this fully 3D state-of-the-art [...]
Terrorists stole a nuclear-tipped missile and plan to blast away one of Europe’s’ largest city: London! The missiles short range is a problem, but money is not, and the terrorists find an accomplice, Ilya Rakov, son of a Russian billionaire and arms [...]
Safari Photo Africa: Wild Earth ## Description _Safari Photo Africa_ is an educational game in which you play as a photojournalist assigned to photograph animals in Africa. The photos will accompany articles and must be of high quality and capture the [...]
Euro Club Manager 2003-04 ## Description This Soccer Management game will let players assume control of teams from 12 different European leagues in 5 different countries including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch leagues and all [...]
Delaware St. John: Volume 3: The Seacliff Tragedy ## Description The Seacliff Tragedy is the third game in the Delaware St. John series. It covers a separate case for paranormal investigator Delaware St. John, but also continues the general storyline of [...]
Moscow Racer Developed by IRS Games, Moscow Racer will offer a gamer to experience realistic car handling and mechanics, choose from a wide variety of tracks and get an in-depth look at well-known Moscow streets. The sim features compelling gameplay and [...]