Xeno ## Description Xeno is a futuristic sport resembling Air Hockey. Each of the two players (the second being either human or computer controlled) controls a ground skimmer, which is aiming to hit a puck so as to knock it into their opponent’s [...]
Core is an endless universe of games and worlds designed by a global community of creators. It's a radically accessible game construction kit, content exchange, and game-playing platform- all in one.
Chuckie Egg II is a sequel to platformer game Chuckie Egg, but is very different from the original game. Whereas the original game features eight levels of one screen each, this features many more screens arranged into a maze for you to explore. In the [...]
As Hen-House Harry, the player must collect the twelve eggs positioned in each level, before a countdown timer reaches zero. In addition there are piles of seed which may be collected to increase points and stop the countdown timer for a while, but will [...]
My Great-Great-Grandfather was a Battle of Britain pilot, or so my father told me when I explained to him that I wanted to join the Intergalactic Agricultural Research Establishment. “Let’s hope that some of his flying skills are still present [...]