Adventure Value Pack #4 ## Description This is a compilation of the final three Scott Adams adventures. It contains: * Savage Island Part One * Savage Island Part Two * Golden Voyage Adventure Value Pack #4
Based on the movie of the same title, in this graphical text adventure you are Buckaroo Banzai, a jack of all trades. You try to thwart the plans of your arch enemy and criminal mastermind Hanoi Xan and those of the Black Lectroids from Planet 10 who want [...]
Adventure Series ## Description This value pack collects the twelve Scott Adams Classic Adventures in their all-text format with the original IBM PC interpreter. The following games comprise the package: * Adventureland * Ghost Town * Golden Voyage * [...]
Ghost Town ## Description The old frontier town is long since deserted, but thirteen treasures can still be retrieved from the deceptive stillness of its closed mine and Boot Hill. Uncover secret passages and navigate a certain supernatural undercurrent [...]