Escape from Pulsar 7 ## Description _Escape From Pulsar 7_ is the fourth title in the Mysterious Adventure series of illustrated text adventures by Brian Howarth. It has a science-fiction theme influenced by the hit film “Alien”. The player [...]
Conquest of Chesterwoode ## Description Conquest of Chesterwoode is a turn-based wargame from Adventure International for 2-4 players. Your ancestors journeyed into the dark Forest of Chesterwoode, facing dreadful basilisks, worgs, a wurm, and more. [...]
A text adventure by Jyym and Robin Pearson set in the Vietnam War. The player is an escaped American POW lost somewhere in the dense jungle and his only chance for survival is to reach Saigon.
In this horizontal scrolling shoot’em up the player must successfully navigate a submarine through an underwater course while avoiding or destroying enemies and obstacles with the final aim to wreck a heavily guarded reactor.
Ghost Town ## Description The old frontier town is long since deserted, but thirteen treasures can still be retrieved from the deceptive stillness of its closed mine and Boot Hill. Uncover secret passages and navigate a certain supernatural undercurrent [...]
"Adventureland" is the first interactive fiction game by Scott Adams. In using two-word verb-noun-combinations the player tries to retrieve 13 lost treausures in a fanatasy world.
Initially the game did not feature any graphics at all. As time [...]