《皓月空华》是一款传统RPG游戏,同时这也是一个少年的故事,一段足以改变其人生轨迹的经历…… 亲人们的别离,黑暗下的假面,尘封许久的过往,以及那被掩埋的真相…… 为了追寻父亲的踪迹,只身踏入无底的漩涡,最终得到的,又是否是TA所渴望的…… 真希望能在一轮皓月之下与其一起赏看那光华…… ## About This Game [...]
The Limited Edition Game Console,Golden GBC,is ready for sale.It’s so easy to buy this game console.But now it seems to getting difficult. DongDong need to resist the world’s malicious toward her, in all difficulties to buy her favorite [...]
Wish Giver 《Wish Giver》is a role playing game for solving puzzles. The game tells us that the protagonist, as a new wish giver, has received very challenging entrustment due to huge rewards.But the road to fulfill the wish of the aspirant is far more [...]