Glimmer in Mirror is a 2D story-rich action shooting game. Play as Shiro in a collapsed world, to meet various unique NPCs and monsters, and gradually uncover the truth of the world through a gripping story. ## About This Game ## Find the truth in the [...]
It’s a martial art open world adventure game that combines survival and crafting. Built with Unreal 4 engine makes it perfect to collect, create, explore and manufacture in a world covering an area of 256 square kilometers. Fight back enemies and [...]
This is a very challenging war chess + roguelike game, with random mazes, free combination of teams, and turn-based combat. In the game, players will lead all kinds of undead to counterattack the human world! ## About This Game My blood is drained and my [...]
Chinese Paladin:Sword and Fairy 7 is a dynamic role-playing game developed by Softstar Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. ## About This Game Chinese Paladin:Sword and Fairy 7 is a dynamic role-playing game developed by Softstar Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. [...]
It’s a martial art open world adventure game that combines survival and crafting. Built with Unreal 4 engine makes it perfect to collect, create, explore and manufacture in a world covering an area of 256 square kilometers. Fight back enemies and [...]
《荧火微光》是一款文字冒险(AVG)游戏,游戏将通过多人视角讲述一个成长故事,在游戏中,每一个选择都至关重要,众人的结局将由你来决定。 ## About This Game ## 游戏简介 父亲陈晟投资失败导致家里欠下巨款,每日酗酒对家里任何事情漠不关心,母亲安然对陈安楠抱有很大期望,却从未考虑过陈安楠的感受。而安楠暗恋的班长刘天祺又理解不了陈安楠的艰难处境而导致了一系列的误会,唯一从小和陈安楠一起长大的白谨谕又好像隐瞒着什么… [...]
《横戈》是描述中国古代战役的一款战争游戏,同时包含即时战略与角色扮演成分。我们通过万人以上的同屏战斗体验来展现中国古代鲜为人知的悲壮英雄故事。 ## About This Game 南北驱驰报主情,江花边月笑平生。 一年三百六十日,多是横戈马上行。 戚继光(明)将军的诗,完美的展现了古代将士们戎马一生的军旅生涯。 《横戈》是一款历史题材的战争大集合游戏,游戏将RTS与RPG相结合,背景横跨整个中国古代,从中选取热血悲壮的战役,作为单章节呈现给大家。第一章内容为《汉*疏勒之战》。 ## 游戏特色 ## \- [...]
This is additional content for Songs Of Wuxia, but does not include the base game. ## About This Content 侠道游歌原声音乐专辑。 音频制作方:一罐盐声音工作室(Salt Sound Studio) 配乐创作:一罐盐,星幂 侠道游歌 / Songs Of Wuxia Soundtrack