Bishoujo Mangekyou Norowareshi Densetsu no Shoujo PC Game is a hentai game. From the fear of losing his beloved career as a teacher. He has had to abstain from crossing the line with any of his students until now. Onogami Shigehiko, a teacher at an [...]
Yuuma is on leave from school since being hospitalized due to a certain incident. He reunited with his beautiful twin sister Yuuri for the first time in a year and began to live with her, but he had a secret that he could not tell her: he is deeply in [...]
It was an era unknown. Long after the prosperity of the human civilization – once the ruler of the Earth – had waned, more time passed still… Reminiscent of the edge of the world, there was a place, and in that place the tower stood [...]
The protagonist, Kanzaki Akihito, was once a cheerful boy. Only having grown up, he was now with heart problems; friends of old were friends no more; and more often than not, he was not seen attending school. His mind was darkened mostly by his childhood [...]
Onogami Shigehiko, a teacher at an all-girls school, is a man of love – of love towards beautiful young girls – and to this day he has managed to keep this hidden from those around by playing as Mr. Serious. From the fear of losing his beloved [...]