Panzers East! ## Description _Panzers East!_ is a strategic level solitaire simulation of the German offensive against the Soviet Union which began on June 22, 1941. You as the German Commander direct the entire Axis invasion force but time is not on your [...]
Z-89 ## Description Z-89 is the Coco 3-exclusive variant of Zaxxon, by the same author (Steve Bjork) who developed the original, officially licensed Datasoft version. This game was released twice (with some slight changes), once when sold by Game Point [...]
Moon Hopper ## Description Essentially a clone of Moon Patrol, Moon Hopper is a speedy scrolling game where you control an armed moon buggy, rolling across a moon surface guarded by lots of aliens. Unlike Moon Patrol, you can’t control the angle of [...]
Midway Campaign ## Description _Midway Campaign_ is a computer simulation of the Battle of Midway Island in June 1942, arguably one of the most decisive battles in the history of warfare. The computer controls a huge force of Japanese ships whose [...]
Kindercomp ## Description An early learning game for kids aged 3-8. This program is a collection of 6 learning games: Draw, Scribble, Names, Sequence, Letters and Match. KinderComp helps children improve their reading and counting skills as well as [...]
Cuthbert in the Cooler ## Description Cuthbert, the very versatile game protagonist, has ended up as a prisoner of war. Now he must escape the camp and find his way to freedom. The game is made up of three screens. In the first one, Cuthbert must escape [...]
Ice Master ## Description Ice Master is another early Pengo clone. Your small man runs around in a landscape filled with blocks of ice and populated by insects. Your only goal is to crush the insects by pushing ice blocks at them. You can only push one [...]
Galax Attax ## Description Galax Attax is a clone of Namco’s Galaxian , which was one of the first shoot’em’ups to deviate from the original Space Invaders fare in favor of things such as aliens with individual behavior and movement. [...]