Downland ## Description In Downland , the object is to locate keys which unlock doors as you navigate underground caverns by climbing ropes. Difficulty is increased by falling acid, Indiana Jones meets Donkey Kong style runaway boulders and a time limit [...]
Mind-Roll ## Description In Mind-Roll you play a rolling eyeball in an attempt to find your way through numerous mazes. Each maze features different puzzles to solve and objects such as keys to collect in order to find the destination. There is a limited [...]
Glaxxons ## Description Glaxxons is basically a Galaga clone, with some notable differences. First of all, your ship can not move only at the bottom of the screen, but also to a certain degree in the vertical direction. Furthermore, you can only fire one [...]
Dallas Quest ## Description When a game is faithful to the poor writing and wildly implausible plot conventions of a soap opera, does that make it a bad game or an effective adaptation of its source material? In any case, this game situates you as a [...]
Pengon ## Description Just as the name implies, Pengon is a clone of Sega/Coreland’s old arcade game, Pengo. You play Willy the penguin, who is trapped in a maze filled with dangerous mutant sea lions. Willy’s only defense is to push the [...]
Cyrus ## Description One of the world’s first chess games designed for experts, Cyrus is also unfortunately one of the least known due to limited distribution. The IBM version can be played from a isometric 3-D perspective, or a traditional boring [...]
Monkey Kong ## Description Monkey Kong , or as it was dubbed by MicroDeal, King Cuthbert , is yet another Donkey Kong clone (of course). Two screens from the original are present in this version. The first is the classic first “barrels” [...]
Shock Trooper ## Description Shock Trooper is a refined arcade adventure where you, as a fifth column shocktrooper, must infiltrate an alien base and free your captive mates. The complex has a very strong radiation field, which means you must keep on [...]