Trekboer ## Description You find yourself in command of the starship Trekboer as your adventure begins. A deadly virus has struck earth and threatens the future of humankind. In this mission you use the starship Trekboer to search the galaxy far and wide [...]
Cuthbert Goes Digging ## Description Cuthbert, Microdeal’s mascot, is trapped inside a mine, filled with crawly creeps. He must climb the ladders out of the mine and reach the surface before the oxygen level reaches zero. Each floor in the mine is [...]
Mudpies ## Description Mudpies is best described as a single screen, overhead, arcade shooter played for high scores. Similar in style to Robotron the player takes control of Arnold, a young boy who has disrupted a circus by throwing pies at the clowns. [...]
Ninja Warrior ## Description Ninja Warrior is a basic side scrolling jump and shoot game, similar in concept to Moon Patrol. The difference, of course, being that you are a Ninja, and you are crushing rocks, spearing fireballs, deflecting arrows, etc. The [...]
Shootout at the OK Galaxy ## Description With billions of defenseless Federation citizens behind you and a horde of barbarian starships in front of you, Patrol Zone O/K 2.7345-9.02 is your OK Corral. Instead of a Colt 45 Peacemaker, your weapon is the FSS [...]
Junior’s Revenge ## Description Junior’s Revenge is a feature-complete clone of Donkey Kong Jr.. All four stages of the original are present. Junior, son of a monkey, must free his father from the evil Luigi (this was right before Mario Bros [...]
Pac Droids ## Description A Pac-Man game with a sci-fi twist, Pac Droids has you piloting a space ship in a maze patrolled by flying saucers. As in the real Pac-Man, you gobble up dots while avoiding the saucers, clearing the level by eating all dots. [...]
Robot Odyssey ## Description Robot Odyssey is a logic adventure game. You have been taken into Robotropolis, an underground city of robots. To escape, you must program your robot helpers Sparky, Checkers, and Scanner to solve the puzzles and escape.