## Description A compilation of two games: * _Strat egie-Flore_ \- The playfield consists of a square garden made up of 49 flowers arranged in seven rows and seven columns. The flowers themselves consist of anywhere between one to nine petals. The number [...]
## Description A compilation of two strategy board games: * _Isola_ \- Based on the board game _Isolation_. The game takes place on a 7×8 grid. Players take turns moving a pawn piece to a directly adjoining square, then being required to remove a [...]
## Description _Rotorwar_ is an single screen side view action game where the player has to collect various objects from New York skyscrapers. The player flies a helicopter and has to pick up the objects without crashing into buildings or other obstacles. [...]
## Description The first game in the ‘Meurtres’ (‘Murders’) series by Bertrand Brocard – out of five – and published in French only. The events take place aboard a TGV train – France’s high-speed rail [...]
## Description _Les Dieux de la Glisse: Savoie 92_ is a winter sports simulation, close in spirit to Epyx’ Winter Games. The game features three sports: ski jumping, aerials and speed skating. It was released only in France, on Thomson TO 8, TO 9 [...]
## Description _L’Aigle d’Or_ is an action-adventure game and the first episode of a series. Start by giving a name to the hero (depending on the version) and enter Eagle’s Castle in Westphalia, treasure seeker! And be warned, many died [...]
## Description _K.Y.A. (Keep Yourself Alive)_ is an action game, representing a confrontation between Blue and Red players. Escaping through ten caves, the players should fight with each other and with various droids to become a one of their masters. Each [...]
## Description _Jeu de Dames_ is an adaptation of the classic game of checkers/draughts/dames played on a 10×10 checkerboard. Adjustable difficulty option, two player mode, option to set up the board, game rules included. Jeu de Dames