PowerFest 94 – Scoring Nintendo PowerFest ’94 was a 1994 Nintendo-promoted video game competition. Most of the town competitions were held in customized trailers outside of department stores. It was based on scoring points in a special Game [...]
SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2 is a shoot ’em up game featuring characters from the Gundam universe in a super deformed format. It is the sequel to the Super Famicom game SD Kidou Senshi Gundam: V Sakusen Shidou. The player can select between three SD [...]
Super Full Metal is the conversion of a board game (yes) which featured stunning pieces of tin also hexagonal. The principle is quite simple: You are part of a company of minors space, exploring different planets to look for precious metals. You have the [...]
Experience life as an ant: fight for queen and colony, face hungry spiders and menacing hordes of enemy ants, eat yummy caterpillars, and drive those yucky humans out of the house! Based on real ants, SimAnt has the depth of play and serious gaming [...]
Muhammad Ali Boxing was intended for release on the SNES by Virgin Games. The first mention of Muhammad Ali Boxing was at the Summer CES in 1993. It is not clear why this game did not get released, but it perhaps was due to Virgin’s focus on the [...]
I Love Golf!: Out of Bounds Club is a Super Nintendo game originally released and distributed through the Satellaview Nintendo network for Super Famicon in Japan. The game’s title would lead you to believe it is a game for people that love golf but might [...]