## Description _Experimental Advanced version of Startrek_ is one of many Star Trek variants. As usual the player is in control of the starship Enterprise and must shoot down some Klingon ships. Photon torpedoes and phasors are the weapons at the [...]
## Description _Eight (Men)_ is a peg jumping puzzle game. Four men (pegs) of two kinds are standing on two sides of a vacant slot. It’s up to the player to move them over to the other side. Pegs can only move to an adjacent vacant slot, or jump [...]
## Description _Drag_ is a drag racing game for one or two players. Players can customize their own drag racing car by filling in details about horsepower, rear end ratio, tire width and tire diameter. The race itself unfolds automatically based on the [...]
## Description _Dots and Pluses Number Game_ is a Mastermind variant. The computer thinks of a number and after each guess from the player will give dots (correct digit in wrong position) and pluses (correct digit) or a goose egg (nothing correct). The [...]
## Description _Bbball_ is a simplistic baseball game. The player plays against the computer. Each turn both pick a number between 0 and 4. If the numbers match the batting player gets a hit, otherwise it’s a strike. On a hit the batting player may [...]
## Description _Batnum_ is a “battle of numbers” against the computer. There is a distinct number of items on a pile and the player and computer take turns removing items. Depending on the choices made at the start of the game whoever picks [...]
## Description _BASIC Software Library: Volume V – Experimenter’s Programs_ is a compilation of various programs written in BASIC. Some games are included. They are: * Baseball – A non-interactive baseball game that plays itself. * [...]
## Description _BASIC Software Library: Volume IV – General Purpose Programs_ is a compilation of various programs written in BASIC. Some games are included. They are: * Bingo * Bull * Enterprise – Commandeer the enterprise in a battle against [...]