Team:(Looking for Modelers(I am okay but not the best),Coders) Command0 \————— Models: AK47 M1911 M16 Grenade Decoys SPAS-12 Molotov Maybe some other weapons \—————- Characters: I do not plan to [...]
** Left 4 Quake** , an Indie game developed by **Ribcaged Entertainment** , aims to bring the fun, unique, 4 player co-op gameplay of Left 4 Dead to the Playstation Portable. * * * ** **We have an active forum again! Please stop by anytime! There you can [...]
Black Rain, The game is inspired by games like “Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, Final Fantasy (also a lil bit Pokemon^^)” As i really like those old, turn based-rpgs and mixed them with a Pokemon-Style Overworld-Graphic and worked on it for an whole [...]
Paapoonaisie is a fighting game engine created by Team Paapoonaisie and will be available for PC, MAC, Linux first and then in other platforms, depending on the demand. The engine used is Unity and the goal of this project is to create an easily editable [...]
This is a 2d paintball game called Flat Paintball. Play against your friend in either Death Match or Capture the Flag! ****The current screen shots do not include the character images that are on the initial release***** Flat Paintball was developed by [...]
Conscript is a psp/pc game using the source engine and a heavily modified quake engine that takes place in an alternate half-life 2 universe, through the eyes of a conscript. Conscript was developed by Diversity Conscript was Released on Windows,PSP [...]
This is a Dragonball clone with edited and recolored sprites (which sound alike the original ones) and even an own story This game was coded with lua by myself (SIM sk) in lua. The game is in early beta stages (not even version 1) but it is actual a fun [...]
If you don’t even know what **gSquare** is, let me tell you a little bit more about it. gSquare is a PSP game developed by **Geecko and meastnt** for the PSP Genesis competition. I had given permission to translate this awesome homebrew game in many [...]