Muraski Baby ## Description _Murasaki Baby_ is a 2D side-scrolling puzzle platformer played as a baby’s girl nightmarish journey through her imagination. Visually it draws inspiration of the 80’s movies of Tim Burton. The girl wakes up at [...]
DEADBOLT is an extremely challenging stealth-action hybrid that allows you to take control of the reaper to quell the recent undead uprising. DEADBOLT is an extremely challenging stealth-action hybrid that allows you to take control of the reaper to quell [...]
Pinball FX2: Marvel’s Avengers – Age of Ultron ## Description _Avengers Chronicles_ is a collection of DLC pinball tables for Pinball FX2 (Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows) and Zen Pinball 2 (PS Vita / PS3 / PS4 / Wii U) as well as Marvel Pinball [...]
Something mysterious is happening in the pumpkin patch this Halloween! You control Pumpkin Man, a humanoid pumpkin thing animated by occult forces on a quest to discover why things are so creepy. And you vomit candy corn. Adventure through five weird, [...]