Shu will challenge and delight players with an engrossing 2.5D world, filled with collectables, obstacles and threats. Adventure across the land with the help of hand-drawn characters and their unique powers, forever pursued by a monstrous and unrelenting [...]
“METAL SLUG ”, the very first title in SNK’s legendary 2D run & gun action shooting game series where all began, returns to the missions on the Steam gaming platform!
End the world in a unique skill based physics puzzle! King Oddball swings a boulder back and forth by its tongue. Release the boulder by tapping the screen. Time the release accurately to crush as many targets as possible with each boulder. Extra boulders [...]
The critically acclaimed, streamlined baseball simulator is headed for second. Lace up your cleats and step onto the field for the most gratifying hardball action. Build your dream team and dominate online or on your couch. The critically acclaimed, [...]
A fast-paced action-sports game that pits 2-4 players against each other in a unique combination of air hockey and tennis. Players scramble to retrieve and throw a glowing disc while unleashing devastating abilities and defending variable-point end zones. [...]
Fight your way free in our frenzied all-boss fighter, and discover what’s waiting behind the last gate. Furi is all about the tension of one-on-one fights against deadly adversaries. It’s an intense, ultra-responsive hack-and-slash with a unique mix of [...]
A compilation of four timeless adventures in one package, Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 features the most recent entries in the classic side-scrolling series. The collection also includes a Museum jam-packed with history and production art, challenge remix [...]
Kona is an episodic and narrative-driven interactive tale in which the player faces many mysteries and challenges in a wintry rural environment in the year 1970. You incarnate Carl Faubert, a war veteran now private detective who must travel to Atamipek [...]