Compete over 13 challenging and diverse environments using whatever means necessary to batter and bruise your opponents into submission, and claim victory for yourself!
Originally picked up by Infogrames but later published by Encore, Fugitive Hunter is a realistic first-person shooter from the same team responsible for X-Files: Resist of Serve and Black Dawn. Set in modern day, War on Terror allows players to travel to [...]
Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire continues that adventures of Harry Potter. Harry is mysteriously selected as the fourth contestant in the dangerous Triwizard Tournament. Each competitor in the international competition must confront a fire-breathing [...]
With his infant son brutally murdered, and wife Emily reborn as a Vampire, James Farrington-Higgs has himself become a creature of the darkness. Now he must strike back against the evil forces, desperately prowling the streets of London in search of his [...]
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex is the first Crash Bandicoot game for a system other than the original PlayStation. The story is set some time after Warped: Dr. Cortex wants revenge after being defeated by Crash (again). For this purpose, he creates [...]
You’re on the hot seat and Paul Sr. wants it done now! Play as Paul Senior, Paulie, Mikey or Vinnie and experience all the pressure and drama of the hit TV show!
With Athens 2004, you can capture all the spirit and emotion of the Olympic Games. The game lets you compete in four arcade and eight competition game modes, ranging from Practice to the Official Decathlon and Heptathlon combined events, while choosing [...]