Fighter’s History was probably the most blatant rip-off of Street Fighter 2 in history (hence the title). Lo and behold, Data East had the audacity to make a sequel a year after the release of the original, even after Capcom tried to sue them for [...]
Man and demon wage war with one-on-one fights in the 1-on-1 fighting game Galaxy Fight. Eight of the universe’s greatest fighters enter into combat for the fate of the galaxy. Success brings great acclaim to the victor. Failure brings death. Once [...]
Windjammers (also known as Flying Power Disc in Japan) is a fast paced sports arcade game released by Data East on the Neo Geo arcade system in 1994 and later on the Wii Virtual Console in Japan on June 22, 2010. Following the bankruptcy of Data East, the [...]
Who is the strongest hero in history!? In order to solve this conundrum, a professor completed a time machine and used it to test the might of warriors from different ages. Unfortunately, he was unable to find an answer. A year later, six new heroes [...]
Street Hoop, known in Japan as Dunk Dream (ダンクドリーム?) and known in North America as Street Slam, is a basketball video game developed by Data East for Neo-Geo, released in 1994. The game features three-on-three basketball match-ups with a variety of [...]
The Baseball Stars series set the early benchmark for quality baseball sports games, and introduced a number of features that have become standard in more current sports games, such as managerial control and player creation. Baseball Stars 2 built on this [...]
Team USA is on its way to a Cinderella success story in the Super Dodgy Ball World Cup Championships. From out of nowhere, this scrappy bunch of rookies is advancing to the final round of competition. Seven powerful teams still stand between Team USA and [...]