## Description _Letter: A Letter Guessing Game_ is a simple guessing game. The computer thinks of a letter and the player must try to guess which. The computer will tell if the letter comes later or earlier in the alphabet.
## Description _LEM_ (Lunar Excursion Module) is a Lunar Lander variant. Like in the original game the player is tasked with putting a lander on the moon, by adjusting the fuel consumption rate each second. The player must avoid smashing into the lunar [...]
## Description _LEM_ is a Lunar Lander game. The player must successfully land a lunar excursion module on the moon. This version is turn based and features movement in all directions. Each turn the player must give the burn rates for horizontal, vertical [...]
## Description _Keno_ is a computer implementation of the casino game. The player can pick an amount of numbers to take on a keno card and bets money on it. The players is then rewarded based on the numbers that are drawn.
## Description _Kalah_ is an adaptation of the board game with the same name, which is part of the Mancala family of games. The game is played by one player against an AI opponent. Each player has six round pits and a Kalah, which is a longer pit. When [...]
## Description _Kaissa_ is a Soviet chess program named after the Renaissance chess goddess Ca issa and developed at the Moscow Institute of Control Sciences. It won the 1974 World Computer Chess Championship in Stockholm and became second and forth in [...]
## Description _Jotto_ is a Mastermind variant in which the player must guess a five letter word. After each guess the computer will give a number of jots, indicating correct letters in the secret word. The goal is to find out the secret word.
## Description The _ITEP Chess Program_ is a Soviet Chess simulator run on M-2 and M-20 computers. It uses a Shannon Type A algorithm to determine its moves. In 1966 it won against the American Kotok-McCarthy-Program with a 3-1 score in a match that [...]