## Description _Take-A-Way_ is a version of 23 Matches. There are fourteen items in a row. Each turn the player can take one, two or three items. Whoever takes the last item loses the game.
## Description _System Training Project_ was a training computer constructed for the US Air Force that allowed users to train for operating Air Defense Direction Centers (ADCCs). ADCCs were centres where radar data on incoming aircraft was to be [...]
## Description _Stugan_ is a Swedish text-based joke adventure game. Like in other text adventures you are presented with detailed descriptions of the place you are at, and the directions in which you can exit the area. You write simple commands (all in [...]
## Description _STTRK_ is an early variant of Star Trek. The player is tasked with destroying all Klingon ships while controlling the Starship Enterprise. The player can fire phasers and torpedoes, both to the rear and to the front of the ship. The player [...]
## Description _Strwar_ is an unlicensed Star Wars game where the player goes on an attempt to destroy the Death Star. The player is dropped in the infamous trench on the surface of the space station. The trench is 500,000 feet long and 200 feet wide and [...]
## Description _STRTRK_ is a version of Star Trek written in BASIC for the HP 2000F. What distinguishes it from other versions of the game is that it allows for two terminals to play against each other. Each player controls a ship and can fly around the [...]
## Description _Stock: Stock Market Simulation_ is a stock trading game. Every trading day the stock prices change (randomly). The player can buy and sell. Each brokerage fee of 1% is charged for all transactions. The goal is to earn as much virtual money [...]
## Description _Stimulating Simulations_ is a book describing 10 different BASIC simulation games. The games are: * Art Auction – The player buys and sells paintings in an attempt to make a profit. * Monster Chase – The player must elude a [...]