Oubliette ## Description _Oubliette_ is one of the earliest party-based role-playing games. It is an open-ended hack-and-slash through a multilevel dungeon with a party of 1-6 characters, chosen from possible classes including Fighters, Priests and [...]
Bandit ## Description Bandit is a slot machine simulation. The player spins the reels at the cost of a bet of any size and can win some money back based on the outcome of the reels. Texts on the reels are all computer related such as TTY (teletype), Tape, [...]
Tic-Tac-Toe ## Description This version of the classic pen and paper game Tic-Tac-Toe allows the player to play against the computer. The player enters coordinates to make a move. The goal of the game is to get three in a row on a 3×3 board. The [...]
Survivor ## Description Survivor is a strategy game for two players based on Conway’s Game of Life. The players place initial cells on a 5×5 grid. Players don’t know the starting position of the other player. After the initial input the [...]