Phantasia ## Description Phantasia is an early MUD for a variety of Unix systems with a distinct Lord of the Rings theme. Each player creates a character by selecting a class, and starts in a random location somewhat close to the coordinates of 0,0. [...]
Bingo ## Description Bingo is as the name implies a digital version of Bingo. The player receives a randomized printed bingo card for both himself and the computer. The computer will then call numbers which the player can cross of the cards. The computer [...]
Acheton ## Description _Acheton_ is a home computer conversion of the mainframe adventure of the same name. Similar to Zork (which was released on the VAX mainframe not long before _Acheton’s_ original appearance), it is a fantasy treasure hunt set [...]
Gomoku ## Description Gomoku is a terminal implementation of a classic match-5 game played on a 19×19 Go board. Players take turns to place pieces one at a time on the board. Similar to tic-tac-toe or ‘connect-4’, the objective is to make [...]
Worm ## Description Worm is a simple terminal snake game. The objective is to eat a series of numbers that appear in the playfield and survive as long as possible. Each number will increase both your score and your snake length by the same amount. If you [...]
Craps ## Description Craps allows the player to try his virtual luck on a craps table. The player throws dice and can bet virtual money. The goal is to roll the same value again, but when throwing 7 or 11 the player loses his wager, throwing anything else [...]
Tanktics ## Description It is September 6, 1943 following the debacle at Kursk the German Army reels back to the protection of the Dneiper River. The Red Army pursues hard trying to turn a retreat into a rout. You are in charge of a tiny Panzer Group [...]