## Description _Hats_ is a code cracking game. The computer has a secret code. The player can call out a number and the computer will give a response. If the player thinks he or she has understood the code the computer will test the player to see if the [...]
## Description _Gomoko_ is an adaptation of the board game _Gomoku_. The player and computer take turns to place markers on a grid. The goal is to get five in a row. This implementation allows board sizes from 7×7 to the traditional 19×19 to [...]
## Description This _Go_ -playing program is the earliest known working implementation of Go on a computer. It was written as part of a thesis on pattern recognition and has roughly the skill of a beginning player.
## Description _Geowar_ puts the player in control of a missile battery. Five enemy installations are located in a 30 by 30 area beyond the player’s base, but never within 10 units. The player can fire missiles to try to hit the enemy installations. [...]
## Description _Gamnim_ is a game of Nim. There is a distinct number of items on a distinct number of piles and the player and computer take turns removing items from a chosen pile. Depending on the choices made at the start of the game whoever picks the [...]
## Description _Game Playing With Computers_ is a book detailing over 70 games, puzzles and mathematical creations. Over 25 of them have a source code in FORTRAN or BASIC included. Games include: Blackjack, binary card games, counterfeit coin game, Keno, [...]
## Description _Game of ‘Dots’_ is a conversion of the classic pen and paper game dots and boxes. The player plays against the computer. This implementation uses a grid of five by five dots. On a player’s turn the player may place any [...]
## Description _Frogmaster_ is a soccer game for one to four players. The players control tadpoles on the pitch, which react to joystick input which act as rewards. The player must train the tadpoles to score goals by reaching the other side of the pitch. [...]