King James Bible For Use On Game Boy ## Description This cartridge contains the entire King James Version Bible, complete with simple or complex word search option, as well as two word games. The first of the word games is Bible Word Match, sort of a [...]
Scramble into the cockpit of the only combat jet fighter game on Game Boy! The Navy F-14 Tomcat, a hero of the Persian Gulf War, soars to new heights in this first-person aerial assault simulator. * Fully instrumented control panels! * HUD for enemy [...]
This game is a Japan-exclusive collection of nonogram logic puzzles involving a grid with numbers for every row and column, which refer to the amount of marked squares within the grid, and the sequel of “Mario’s Picross”. Unlike the [...]
In this high skill action adventure game, Mr. Chin is in hot pusuit of his favorite treat. He has come all the way from China to eat as many luscious gourmet peaches as he can before anyone else discovers how to eat this unique treat. As Mr. Chin, you [...]
A side-scrolling action game developed and published by Capcom in 1991, based on the hit Disney movie. The player takes on the title role of Ariel, the Little Mermaid, and embarks on a quest to save the ocean from the evil witch Ursula.