Game Boy Wars (ゲームボーイウォーズ Gēmu Bōi Wōzu?) is a turn-based war simulator produced by Nintendo and Intelligent Systems that was released for the Game Boy in Japan only in 1991. It is a portable follow-up to the 1988 Family Computer war simulator Famicom [...]
F-15 Strike Eagle is an F-15 Strike Eagle combat flight simulator first released in 1985 by MicroProse. It is the first in the F-15 Strike Eagle series comprising also the sequels F-15 Strike Eagle II and F-15 Strike Eagle III. F-15 Strike Eagle
Battle Ping-Pong is a Game Boy game revolving around ping-pong (or table tennis as it is generically called). One person on either side of a small table with a net return a ball back and forth in a rally until the ball is either dead in play or bounces [...]
Star Sweep A new kind of Puzzle Game with Quick Chain Reactions! It takes about 9.6 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Easy-Just Right
Platform game of exceptional size: More than 900 screens on 15 levels with 54 extraordinary enemies. Secret rooms, hidden bonuses, and deadly traps. Unique system of interaction: player – enemies – objects – backgrounds. Options: level [...]
Xenon 2 Megablast is a sci-fi themed shoot ’em up designed by The Bitmap Brothers. The game is memorable for its music and the unique feature of allowing the player to scroll backward, which is unusual for the genre.
The King of Fighters '95 marks the beginning of a story arc that later became known as the "Orochi Saga". However, the only elements from the Orochi Saga known in this game is the introduction of Kyo's rival, Iori Yagami, and Rugal's use of the Orochi [...]